If you are an
international student or professional seeking an MBA you should consider the
United States. American MBA programs are world renowned for giving students a
competitive edge in the business world through excellent education, diverse
specialized programs and unparalleled networking opportunities and resources.
There are over
a thousand MBA programs in the Universities in U.S. You will find an array of
options to fit just about any need—from specialized degrees to unique programs
geared toward international students.
Here is a look
at the types of programs you’ll find and a few tips to help you search for the
right school to study in USA.
of MBA Programs
to choose an M.B.A. program in Top Universities in USA that's right for you
Think about what kind of academic focus is important to you
Identify universities in America that offer programs and services specifically
geared toward international students
Look for programs that fit into your lifestyle
Follow your dream!
earn your degree or certificate as an international student, you have
your choice of all the top schools, colleges and universities in the USA that
specialize in the best programs
• Stanford University
• University of Pennsylvania
• University of Chicago
• Massachusetts Institute of Technology
• Northwestern University
• University of California – Berkeley
• Columbia University
• Dartmouth College
• New York University
students are an important resource for American students, and you provide a
global perspective that is becoming increasingly important in our shrinking
world. With such a wide range of programs available, you are sure to find a
program that is right for you and will provide the training and contacts to
reach your goals.
We at Edwise streamline and personalize the process for each
student irrespective of their destination, institution, course or any level of
study. Our team of experienced professionals will provide you individual
attention and exceptional guidance throughout your process of application. We
provide assistance related to course selections, admission, visa, bank-loan and
scholarships. We also host university delegates for direct student interaction
and all these services are provided free of cost. We have established since
1991 and have been maintaining strong networks with over 525 universities in 14
countries, hence giving us a unique insight into the finest educational establishments
To know more about US universities,
courses, intakes, scholarships, visas, cracking exams, visit www.edwiseinternational.com
or contact us on 1-800-200-3678 / 08600911333.