Wednesday 17 March 2021

How to write the perfect resume to study abroad?


Writing a resume is one of the most challenging aspects of your study abroad application. However, with the guidelines mentioned below, you will have an appropriate, enticing resume for your college applications.

This one-page document gives a brief yet comprehensive overview of your profile. It is an excellent medium to let the admissions committee know what you are apart from your academics. Universities scan a gazillion applications regularly, to ensure that yours stand out, you have to put your best foot forward.


Components of a Resume


Personal Details

Apart from mentioning your name and contact number, your email id also needs to be included. These details are generally on the top so that it stands out.


Academic Qualifications

This is one of the most integral aspects of your resume when seeking overseas education. Not only does it highlight your academic strength, but also shows to the admissions committee where your academic interests lie. Always start with your latest qualification and work your way backward. From the name of the degree to the name of the education institution, mention the year of passing and the scores attained as well.


Professional Experience

Universities abroad increasingly seek those students who possess work experience. Thus, this section has gained prominence through the years. Mention the relevant work experience, which must include the name of the organization, your designation, tenure, and a brief insight into your responsibilities with the aid of action verbs.


Co-Curricular Activities

Education abroad is a holistic experience. Thus, while it is important to show your academic and professional qualifications, it is also important to portray what you are outside the classroom. Talk about the clubs you were part of, projects you have undertaken, or any publications made with your name.


Awards and Accolades

Use this section when making an application to study abroad to highlight any awards or certifications you have received. You have won an award, medal or secured a winning position, highlight the same in this section. If you have attained any certificates by attending workshops that are relevant to the course of application, this is the appropriate heading to mention it under.



As mentioned earlier, study abroad programs seek a holistic candidate and this section is the best way to show them this Whilst you don't need to mention the same, but if you possess social service experience, highlight the same.



Skills to attain an overseas education include both hard and soft skills. Whilst soft skills highlight your communication, presentation, and other skills. Hard skills, on the other hand, talk about those that are relevant to the course of application. For instance, if you are looking to study engineering courses abroad, then you must mention skills that are relevant to the said field.



As far as possible try mentioning those hobbies that in some way are related to the course of application. However, if that isn't the case don't refrain from mentioning it irrespective. It is best to let all aspects of your profile show.


At Edwise, as study overseas education consultants providing optimum results, is of the top priority and hence, every student’s application is thoroughly processed and reviewed.


Get yours reviewed today!


Tuesday 9 March 2021

Work Rights during Study abroad


Education abroad is becoming a preferred mode of study for students globally. Students across the globe travel to countries like the UK, Canada, the USA, and Australia in search of a rewarding study experience to acquire a firm foundation for their careers. The best countries to study abroad invest greatly to keep up with the developments in technology and new areas of study.  Universities abroad aim to present students with upgraded skillsets paired with a practical curriculum to make students industry-ready. 

Aspiring students who choose to enroll in study abroad programs are presented with a number of rights of employment as many look for opportunities to study and work simultaneously. As a student, before you start working during the semesters and terms, here are a few rights that you are entitled to –

In most countries, international students have the same rights and enjoy the same protections as their citizens. In turn, the students are expected to follow a code of conduct and a set of rules and regulations.

·         Work hours: 
Around the globe, at famous study abroad destinations to study in UK, Canada, the USA, and Australia, the best places to study abroad have different allowances for student employment. Generally, a student can work 20 hours a week during the study term and 40 hours during vacation. However, these parameters may differ either on the type of course or university. Students can clarify the same on the university website or consult with Edwise regarding the same. It is imperative that you strictly adhere to this allowance as you agree to these terms at the time of application for the student visa.

·         Pay
As a student, you are entitled to be compensated while employed at a certain organization. Students are usually paid minimum wage during their employment. The minimum wage differs from country to country. For example, a study in Australia, students are paid $13 -15 per hour, in the UK, students are £5-7 and in the US, $8-10, based on the job. Hence students should ensure they are being paid in the right price bracket as it is the law.

·         Taxes
As a student studying abroad, in some countries, you are required to pay tax on the money you have been compensated with. The amount to be paid in tax depends on how much you earn. Tax rules and laws differ among countries; hence students must pay close attention to the same. For instance, in Australia, you are required to register and get a Tax File Number (TFN) before starting work.  In the UK, students who work part-time during the course, do not need to pay tax. In Canada, tax is deducted or charged based on your type of employment and how much you earn.

·         Payslips
At most destinations abroad, students receive payslips, detailing the amount earned, time worked, etc. Payslips are usually given, either on the day of payment or a day later. Payslips are an important document and should be kept safely as proof of employment and income and are generally required to be presented on securing full-time employment following the course.


Tuesday 23 February 2021

Best universities in USA - How to choose one perfect for you


The USA presents an amazing opportunity for students, who want to upgrade their existing skillsets with a strong focus on holistic development. As compared to other study destinations, the US offers programs that don’t burden students financially. Along with the tuition fees, there are a number of scholarships available that further help students pursuing their higher education in USA. Hence, the overall Study in USA cost is manageable and affordable.

While looking at Study in USA for Indian students, there are a few factors that need to be taken into consideration to choose the university that is perfect for you. These factors will help narrow down your choices for universities and their programs respectively.

1.       Accreditation:
An important factor that a student must take into consideration is the accreditation awarded to a university. Accreditation ensures that the education provided by institutions of higher education meets acceptable levels of education quality. A large number of universities in the US are accredited to a certain organization. Students of universities accredited are eligible to receive federal student aid or other federal benefits.

2.       Ranking:

Rankings are another important factor to be considered as it shows the level at which the university is. Universities that rank best usually have amazing facilities and academics that sets them apart, however, it shouldn’t be the only factor to be considered while choosing a university. Rankings are subjective to quality, a combination of statistics or surveys by educators, scholars, students among others. In addition to rankings of institutions, there are also rankings of specific academic programs, departments, and schools. Rankings are conducted by magazines newspapers and in some instances, by academic practitioners. There is no official ranking system in the USA.

3.       Class size
Class size may seem trivial but it is integral to the learning process. Smaller class size is in direct correlation with personalized attention for each student by the faculty.  Larger classes are also very effective as discussions and group activities are engaging and help build team building and teamwork skills among the students.

4.       Scholarships

A scholarship, especially for international students, is very important. Scholarships help lighten the financial burden on students. Different universities offer a variety of scholarships that have their respective eligibility criteria and requirements to be fulfilled. For example, scholarships are awarded to students with either great academic rigor or exceptional scores in study abroad tests. Students are advised to check the same with their counselor or check the university website for more information.


5.       Faculty

Faculty consists of people who have years of experience either in the field or as professors at a particular university. University faculties are trained in the field and deliver the content of the course flawlessly and enable students to engage in the coursework. Faculty members conduct research as well and some are awarded many accolades based on their work. The faculty members also act as mentors to students and guide them academically and professionally. Faculties are a prime factor to consider while choosing your ideal university.


6.       Curriculum

Curriculum, in layman’s terms, is what a student studies at a particular university. While degrees and qualifications may be similar, often course curriculum differs from university to university. Students must pay close attention to the same and select the university and course that aligns with their professional goals and aspirations.


Study in the USA with assistance from Edwise.

Essentials for University Application in 2021


Now that you have embarked on the stupendous decision of studying abroad, you must begin the process of getting your application in. With the previous year being such an upheaval, students are paranoid about what this year holds for them.

Don’t worry, for we have your back covered. Here are the essentials for university applications in 2021.

Keep an open mind

·         Never restrict yourself to just one university. While it is natural that you have a dream university, keep your mind open and have backups to rely on.

·         As a study abroad consultants, we encourage our students to apply to at least 3 universities.

Keep yourself reported

·         To understand whether you will be eligible to study abroad undertake a comprehensive study of the entry requirements.

·         If you’re unsure about interpreting these requirements, don’t worry you have our support and we will guide you through the same.

Mode of making applications

·         For overseas education, the applications tend to occur online through the university website or through a portal. These portals often give students the opportunity to apply to multiple universities seamlessly.

·         We at Edwise, ensure that your application is complete and includes all the relevant documents.

Attention to the fine print

·         For a student, it might get tedious to apply to multiple universities through various platforms. Ensure that you double-check all the components before forwarding the same to the university.

·         However, with support from overseas education consultants, Edwise we make the process seamless.

Statement of Purpose

·   Majority of the universities abroad require a statement of purpose. It is a document that not only lists your academic achievements but also shines a light on your entire profile, which enables you to stand out from the pool of competition.

·         Ensure that you talk about why you wish to study at the university, what you hope to gain through the program, and how will you are a valuable addition to the same.

Official documents

·         If the documents need to be translated into an official language of the country, let a competent authority look into the same.

·         Make sure that you get all your application documents in order before-hand. This saves you trouble at the eleventh hour.

Applying to Universities in the UK

·         Students looking to study an undergraduate program in the UK will be required to submit their application through UCAS.

·         Whilst those looking to study a the postgraduate program can make their application through the respective university’s website or UK PASS.

Applying to Universities in Canada and Universities in the USA

·         Start the research stage of the application process in advance and get all your documents in order before you get your application in.

Applying to Universities in Australia

·         The Australian government looks to attract international students and thus offers immense support.

·         The country has also set up the Australian Qualification Framework which sets the standards for educational qualifications and provides relevant insights.

Now that you are equipped with a few of the essentials for university applications in 2021, you can kickstart your process with Edwise today.

Monday 15 February 2021

10 Tips while Applying for a Student Visa


For many students, making an application for a student visa is one of the most challenging parts of the study abroad process. With the visa services offered at Edwise, you won’t have to worry about the fine print, since we take care of it all.

Here are 10 tips for your student visa process:

Check Visa Requirements

·         Each study abroad destination has its own requirement thus first undertake research and understand what the requirements are. These include the visa and immigration requirements.

Scores of English Language Tests

·         As part of the visa application process, students are required to portray adequate English language proficiency and for the same are expected to appear for certain examinations.

·         Check the validity of these scores and ensure they remain authentic when making an application for the visa. These tests include the likes of TOEFL or IELTS.


·         Make sure that your passport is up-to-date when applying for a visa.

·         Some consulates require the passport to have a stipulated number of bank pages, thus depending on the country under consideration make sure that you adhere to the same.

Document Requirements

·         When making a student visa application, there are a range of documents that a student needs to submit.

·         Since the visa process is quite gruesome, ensure that you attach all the relevant documents failing to which you will be required to go through the entire process again. Apart from the time, you will spend on the same, you will also be required to spend more money.

·         Double-check the requirements to ensure that you meet the same.

Making Payments

·         Students are charged a processing fee when they make an application for a visa.

·         In most of the cases, the payment tends to occur online, thus ensure you have the requisite means to address the same. 

Early Applications

·         It is best not to leave your student visa application to the eleventh hour, thus, as soon as you receive your acceptance letter from the university, make an application for your student visa.

Translation Services

·         In some cases, the visa needs to be translated and the relevant authorities usually offer these services themselves. However, you will be required to make an appointment for the same, thus ensure that you have time for these activities as well.


·         During your visa interview, ensure that you carry along with you a copy of all your documents. In case of any unforeseen circumstance, it is best to have a back up to fall onto.

·         Moreover, when you travel to your study abroad destination, its best to take copies along with you as well.

Be up-to-date

·         Those students looking to study in USA should bear in mind that they will be required to also appear for an interview. Herein questions about your program, finances, family background will be asked.

Be relaxed

·         Stay confident and answer the questions with ease. The interview is through which the authorities judge whether you’re truly travelling for education purposes.

As study abroad consultants, we understand that the process can be challenging for you. However, as long as you have all your things in order you shouldn’t worry.

Get in touch with an Edwise counsellor today and commence your visa application.

Thursday 4 February 2021

Top Courses for international students 2021



Overseas education is a life-enriching experience, thus it comes as no surprise that a large number of students decide to attain their education abroad.

With many courses available to study abroad, students tend to seek the most popular ones that offer lucrative solutions. 2021 a year filled with hope, brings along with it a range of top courses. Some of which are listed below.


Business and Management

  • This area of study has held prominence for a while. Since the world functions on economics it comes as no surprise that this is one of the popular courses to study abroad.
  • This course equips students with knowledge of the market, customers, finance, business policy and strategy, and much more.
  • With a broad range of study, students can consider narrowing down their area of interest to accounting, entrepreneurship, human resource, quality management to name a few.



  • Whilst it is one of the most sought after courses to study abroad, it is also a challenging field of study.
  • It offers a wide array of career options to those who decide to study the same.
  • There are a large number of disciplines that fall within its purview, some of which include Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Engineering to name a few.


Media Communications

  • Around us, events are constantly occurring, which means someone needs to report the same. This is where the field of Media and Communications come into play.
  • Since it has a significant impact on the world, it is one of the most revered programs to study abroad.
  • It is no longer restricted to the four walls of its course but encompasses a large avenue some of which include journalism, international relations, literature, photography, and much more.


Pharmacy and Healthcare

  • With the world still grappling with the aftermath of the pandemic, it is safe to say that health science and its aided courses are the need of the hour. Not just currently, but they will continue to do so in the long run as well.
  • Thus, students who aspire to study overseas must give a befitting thought to the same. It is a fulfilling career since you can make a career out of it.
  • Pharmacy's aided course has also increasingly begun to take prominence. Healthcare management, Health Studies, Pharmacy, and a range of other programs fall within this purview.


Project Management & Supply Chain Management

  • With a Project Management course, students can take up the responsibility of running a project smoothly. Students learn how to manage resources for optimal use.
  • Equipped with this degree, students can attain prospects of becoming a Project Analyst, Coordinator, or Manager.
  • Supply Chain Management as a field of study is related to the movement of the commodity from the supplier to the consumer. A multidisciplinary field looks to plan and control strategic sourcing.
  • Studying this course enables students to find jobs as an industry analyst, supply chain consultant, project manager, sourcing, and marketing.



Data Science

  • This has become one of the most important aspects of running a successful business. This field of study encompasses collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data.
  • There is a high demand for students with this degree and thus, the career avenues are lucrative.
  • With a degree in Data, Science students can become Business Operation Consultants, Business Intelligence Managers, or a System Analysts.


From an impeccable quality of education, international exposure and enhanced career opportunities, students are spoilt for choice when studying abroad.

Make your applications to study these popular courses abroad with Edwise.

Monday 18 January 2021

Study abroad scholarships in 2021


Studying abroad includes a range of costs that a student needs to consider these include the likes of tuition fees, living expenses and much more. Owing to the financial cost attached to the same, a large number of students seek scholarships.

What is a Scholarship?

·         Scholarship is a financial sum awarded by an educational institution, or other organizations to a student in order for them to accomplish their educational needs.

·         Scholarships to study abroad can in simpler terms be explained as a form of a gift, thus students do not need to repay the same.

·         Scholarships can be attained on the basis of need or academic and other abilities.

·         Another form of financial aid is student loans. However, these need to be paid back. As long as a student meets the eligibility criteria, they can make an application for the same.

How to find a Scholarship for Foreign Studies?

·         The most suitable place to find a scholarship is one of the respective university’s websites, we as overseas education consultants, also help you attain the best scholarship based on your profile.

What are the Application Requirements for a Scholarship?

·         Application Form

·         Personal Essay

·         Letter of Recommendation

·         Letter of Acceptance

·         Financial Documents

·         Academic Achievements

How to make an application for a Scholarship?

·         Scholarships to study abroad for Indian students are many and the application process for the same is quite straightforward.

·         Some universities when processing your application simultaneously check if you are eligible for scholarships.

·         In some cases, students may have to submit a separate online application form. Along with this, students may also be required to write a personal essay, documents for relevant achievements and financial status and letter acceptance. It is then a game of patience.

·         Study abroad scholarships are directly then worked upon and they cover your tuition fees or just a part of it.

Types of Scholarships to study abroad for Indian Students

Merit Scholarships

·        Students need to possess an impeccable academic record to be eligible to make an application for the same. Certain organizations and universities are the most common entities that offer these forms of scholarships.

Specific Achievement Scholarships

·       Students who possess admirable skills in the areas of research, sports, arts have the chance to apply for a scholarship in these specific areas. The relevant skills need to be adequately displayed for a student to be eligible to attain this scholarship.

Financial Need-Based Scholarships

·        Similar to grants, the purpose is to help students who have the ability to study abroad but not adequate financial backing. A large number of entities offer these scholarships because they know that upon the completion of the course, the Students will have ample to offer back to society.

Underrepresented Communities Scholarships

·        The aim of these form of scholarships to support students who come from underrepresented backgrounds in order to encourage them to study abroad.

International Students Scholarships

·        Some entities aim to uplift the education realm and thus offer support to international students. A broad category of scholarships, one needs to fulfill the criteria in order to be eligible.

Scholarship amounts will vary and can range from a few thousand rupees to complete tuition, room, board, and travel. And Edwise, India’s Leading Overseas Education Consultants can help you attain the same.

Monday 11 January 2021

Tips to Prepare for Studying Abroad in 2021


The pandemic bought in hindrances to a multitude aspect of our lives, one such aspect that bore the brunt was also the overseas education prospects of students. With travel restrictions in place, many students were unable to fly to their study abroad destination and attend classes in person. Thus, some decided to study online whilst others decided to defer their plans.

With 2021 upon us, everyone looks forward to a glimmer of hope. Whilst it is unrealistic to predict what this year may hold for us one can only prepare for the same.

If you are planning to study abroad in 2021, here are some tips on how to prepare for it.

Examine the field of study

·         If you are confused about what career path to choose this is the perfect time to take advantage of the situation at hand.

·         If your inclinations lie in the domain of science, you are able to tap into the huge demand that the future holds.

·         Apart from this, areas of research, information technology, supply chain, business and manufacturing realms are popular.

·         Your area of interest should not only have a demand in your home country but also hold immense prominence in your study destination. This ensures that the quality of education attained is unblemished.

·         If you are seeking higher education abroad to change your stream of study, ensure that it holds significance when you seek employment prospects.

Stay Updated

·         Taking into account, the uncertain nature of today’s world, things are left till the last minute and situations keep altering. Thus, it is critical that students stay abreast of the latest occurrences.

·         With second waves and the new strain of virus coming into the picture and countries restricting their borders, one must ensure that they are in the loop.

·         In countries, where students are allowed to travel one, must ensure that they adhere to the guidelines.

·         Student visa processes may now include an increased emphasis on medical aspects thus one must ensure to be aware of the same.

·         Studying online and hybrid classes will continue to remain prominent in the years to come and thus, students are advised to reap the many advantages that it possesses.

Online Learning

·         Majority of the universities abroad are conducted their classes online and thus students need to be equipped with the same.

·         Virtual learning from home offers many benefits to all those involved. This includes the cost efficiency and time-saving component. Thus, students are encouraged to tap into the same.

·         Certain specific courses may require a set of gadgets and universities in many cases offer this support to the students. Therefore, don’t be afraid to ask for assistance and commence your online learning.

Enhance your skills

·         With the economy in recession in several countries’ students are often worried about their future prospects upon the completion of the course. However, one must bear in mind the many benefits an education abroad possesses.

·         Attaining education is one of the best ways a student can enhance their prospects and it is the best investment for the future.

·         Thus, is the perfect time to upskill oneself and stand apart from the pool of competition.

If you seek to commence your application process to study abroad in 2021, get in touch with Edwise, India’s Leading Overseas Education Consultants today.